Could This Building Soon Become A Restaurant in Stonehaven? - Stonehaven Guide Blog


Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Could This Building Soon Become A Restaurant in Stonehaven?

Could This Building Soon Become a New Restaurant in Stonehaven?

I wouldn’t bank on it.

On passing the former Royal Bank Building at the Market Square, in Stonehaven the other day I saw a notice on a post just in front of it.

It was from Aberdeenshire Council announcing that there had been an application for permission for change of use to a Restaurant and Take Away.

On further investigation, I learned that the proposals had been submitted by Bennett Developments and Consulting, on behalf of owners Sava Estates.

It seems the developers believe that the Royal Bank  in the Market Square, could be the perfect location for the new venture.

It has been reported in the press, that at the moment, the owners can’t say who would be going into the premises.

However, they have had positive discussions with a few different potential end users at the site.

These include an Italian pizza business and Indian, but these discussions are only the start and it might be someone completely different who moves in.

Whoever takes on the building will have to keep the ATM machine in place. Planning documents submitted to Aberdeenshire Council reveal that this would have to remain there for a number of years.

Although the location is good, Stonehaven already has a number of good eating places and Take Aways.

Could another Restaurant and Take Away survive without some existing eating places closing ?

It would be interesting to hear what people think.

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